A UNESCO Heritage Sites Quiz. How well do you know your UNESCO World Heritage sites? How well will you score?
Welcome to taste2travel!
A website offering travel content, including guides, quizzes and photography from destinations around the world.
The purpose of taste2travel is to pique one’s curiosity and inspire wanderlust. Enjoy!
Travel Quiz 77: Americas Flag Quiz
An Americas Flag Quiz! How well do you know your flags of the Americas? Are you a true vexillologist? How well will you score?
Travel Quiz 76: Currency Quiz
This is one of many currency quizzes from taste2travel. Do you know your dinars from your dirhams? How well will you score?
São Tomé and Príncipe Photo Gallery
A São Tomé and Príncipe Photo Gallery, featuring a curated selection of images from this off-the-radar Central African island nation.
São Tomé and Principe Travel Guide
São Tomé and Príncipe is a charming and engaging travel destination offering pristine nature, friendly inhabitants and a fascinating history.
Pitcairn Islands Photo Gallery
A Pitcairn Islands Photo Gallery, featured a curated selection of images from one of the world's remotest, populated islands.
Pitcairn Islands Travel Guide
A visit to one of the remotest, populated, islands on earth is a special travel experience, and offers an insight into a unique way of life.
Travel Quiz 74: European Flags Quiz
European Flags Quiz! How well do you know your European flags? Are you a true vexillologist? How well will you score?
South Sudan Photo Gallery
A South Sudan Photo Gallery, featured a curated selection of images from the world's newest country.
South Sudan Travel Guide
Welcome to South Sudan, the world's newest country, a land of vast plains, vibrant cultures, fascinating tribes and untamed wilderness.
Travel Quiz 73: World Capitals Quiz
World Capitals Quiz! How well do you know your capital cities? Test your knowledge with this quiz from taste2travel.
Western Sahara Photo Gallery
A Western Sahara Photo Gallery, featuring a curated selection of images from this little-visited Sahara Desert destination.
Western Sahara Travel Guide
Welcome to the enchanting land of Western Sahara, a place where endless desert landscapes meet the sparkling waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Equatorial Guinea Photo Gallery
An Equatorial Guinea Photo Gallery, featuring a curated selection of images from this little-visited central African nation.