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North America Travel Quiz

This is a North America Travel quiz from taste2travel!

How well do you know North America?

Test your knowledge with this North America Travel quiz from taste2travel.


How well will you score? Your result will be displayed at the bottom of the quiz – will you get to see the legendary Marco Polo?

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Good luck!


01. In which US state would you find the Golden Gate Bridge?

Correct! Wrong!

02. The famous "Louisville Slugger" baseball bat is produced in which US state?

Correct! Wrong!

03. Which local currency would you be using if shopping in Mexico?

Correct! Wrong!

04. How many stars appear on the flag of the United States?

Correct! Wrong!

05. Which is the capital of the Canadian state of Québec?

Correct! Wrong!

06. The ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Palenque are found in which country?

Correct! Wrong!

07. This is the flag of which North American territory?

Correct! Wrong!

08. In which city would you be if you were visiting the Pearl Harbour National Memorial?

Correct! Wrong!

09. Which famous tower dominates the skyline of Toronto, Canada?

Correct! Wrong!

10. In which city would you be if you were touring the Pennsylvania State House?

Correct! Wrong!

11. The 9/11 Memorial & Museum is located in which US city?

Correct! Wrong!

12. The best preserved mummies in North America can be viewed in which city?

Found in a cave in 1972, these perfectly preserved mummies include a 6-month-old child.
Correct! Wrong!

13. On which island will you find the Statue of Liberty?

Correct! Wrong!

14. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?

Grand Canyon View
Correct! Wrong!

15. Niagara Falls are located on the border of New York state and which Canadian province?

Niagara Falls
Correct! Wrong!

16. Although a part of North America, Greenland is a territory of which country?

The Ilulissat Icefiord is one of three UNESCO World Heritage sites on Greenland.
Correct! Wrong!

17. What's the total number of provinces and territories in Canada?

Flag of Canada.
Correct! Wrong!

18. Death Valley National Park is located in which US state?

Death Valley NP.
Correct! Wrong!

19. "Non-Violence", also known as The Knotted Gun, is a bronze sculpture found where?

Non-Violence sculpture at UN HQ in NYC.
Correct! Wrong!

20. Excluding the federal district of Mexico City, there are how many states in Mexico?

State Flags of Mexico.
Correct! Wrong!

Travel Quiz 49: North America
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North America Travel Trivia North America Travel Trivia

Author: Darren McLean

Darren McLean is an Australian full-time digital nomad who has spent 36 years on a slow meander around the globe, visiting all seven continents and 236 UN+ countries and territories.

He founded taste2travel to pique one’s curiosity and inspire wanderlust.

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